Relics Guide

Relics Guide
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

1) Change Cube
Switch main player character with [X].

Location: Found at the Entrance, below the castle’s drawbridge.

2) Call Cube
Call partner with [A]. Press again to send partner away.
Location: Found at the Entrance, just front of the drawbridge.

3) Skill Cube
Call partner to use their skill or magic with [R].

Location: Found at the City of Haze, two squares below the third Warp Gate.

4) Wait Cube
Call partner with [Down + A] to have partner stand still on the spot.

Find: At the Entrance,  just after the room where Behemoth chases Jonathan and Charlotte. Head to the top left exit.

5) Acrobat Cube
Spring off partner's shoulders to jump again in midair.

Location: Gained after the boss of City of Haze was defeated.

6) Push Cube
While pushing an object, call your partner to help you push.

Location: Just two rooms above the second Warp Room of City of Haze. To acquire it, you must first defeat the boss of the place and head forward to the unexplored areas just left of the map.

7) Lizard Tail
Slide into narrow spaces with [Down + B].

Location: Complete Wind’s quest, "Preparations".

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

8) Stone of Flight
Double-jump in midair.

Location: Found at the Great Stairway, just after you fought Keremet.

9) Griffon Wing
Jump higher with [Up + L].

Location: From the left Save Room of Forgotten City, just head from the far left of the next room. There’s an area there that can be access only by morphing into an owl.

10) Strength Glove
Increase pushing power.

Location: After you defeated the boss of Sandy Grave, just head left to the next room.

11) Spinning Art
Perform a spinning evasion move with [Right, Down, Left, Right + Y].

Location: Complete Wind’s quest, "The Spinning Art".

12) Martial Art
Perform a jumping knee kick with [Up, Left, Down, Right + Y].

Location: Complete Wind’s quest, "The Martial Art".

13) Critical Art
Use your weapon's critical move with [Forward, Forward + Y].

Location: Acquired before entering the room of Nations of Fools’ boss.

14) Whip Skill 1
After attacking with the whip, hold [Y] to let it drop.

Location: Found at the Entrance, above the Save Room close to where Behemoth destroyed the wall.

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

15) Whip Skill 2
While jumping use [Down + Y] to attack diagonally downward.

Location: Complete Wind’s quest, "Defender of the Stairs".

16) Book of Spirits
Display the names of enemies when you attack them.

Location: At the Entrance, just above the room between the Warp Room and Wind's place.

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