Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
1) Preparations
The priest should have some useful things for you in the next room. Get the potion and map.
Requirements: Just next to Wind’s room is Vincent’s shop, buy the Castle Map 1 and a Potion from him.
Reward: Lizard Tail (Relic)
2) Supersonic Punch
Go to the butcher in town and mince some meat to get "Ground Meat".
Requirements: Go to the "Butchery" in City of Haze which is the top leftmost room of the map. You need to “punch” the meat hanging on that room. You can either use bare hands by removing your weapons or equipping a knuckle type weapon. Hammer type weapons like mace and club can also be use.
After throwing some punches it will drop some “Ground Meat”. Try not to get the meat that fall off immediately so you can have some more drops for your inventory.
Reward: Bullet Punch (Weapon)
3) Ghosts of the Desert
There is a room in which many ghost gather. Defeat the Great Ghost that appears there.
Requirements: At Sandy Grave there’s a room where you can find only ghosts. It is 2 rooms below the top Warp Room and Save Room.
Kill all the ghosts and don’t leave the room until the biggest one (Great Ghost) appears.
Reward: Bible (Subweapon Skill)
4) Defender of the Stairs
Go defeat 10 Hill Guards.
Requirements: In the Main Castle, there’s a lot of Hill Guards in two biggest rooms of the Great Stairway. Kill at least 10 of them.
Reward: Whip Skill 2 (Relic)
5) The Spinning Art
Jonathan, let's see you enter this command: (Forward, Down, Backward, Forward + Y)
Requirements: Only Jonathan can perform the Spinning Art. Just press Forward, Down, Backward, Forward + Y button.
Reward: Spinning Art (Relic)
6) Art of the Zephyr
Jonathan, perform the "Spinning Art" in front of me three times in a row.
Requirements: Perform Spinning Art thrice in a row in the presence of Wind. Just press Forward, Down, Backward, Forward + Y button for every attempt.
Reward: Rocket Slash (Subweapon Skill)
7) Find the King of Birds
Find the rare Dodo and defeat it.
Requirements: Found at the topmost part of Forgotten City. Head left from the area where you fought a Poison Worm that lurks in the sand. The Dodo will appear once in a while in that room, located just a few steps from the entrance. Try to go back and forth until the Dodo will show itself.
Once you get near to the Dodo it will try to escape. Kill the bird as fast as you can with either a spell or weapon. Chain Lightning is one of the best spell to use or cast a Speed Up spell so you can cope up to its speed and attack it with weapons.
Reward: Thief Ring (Accessory)
8) Overcome the Curse
Go, and come back when you've been cursed.
Requirements: In order to get cursed and easily go back to Wind before the status depleted you must follow this method. First, go to the portrait of Forest of Doom, head left and then up. In that upper room you’ll encounter a Killer Doll and a Crossbow Armor. Just let the Killer Doll touch you to get yourself cursed. After being cursed, leave the place immediately by going downwards then head right to the Warp Room. Teleport to the Warp Room just close to Wind’s place and talk to him.
The second method is to equip a Skull Ring dropped by the Lesser Demon. It’s the easiest way without doing much other than presenting yourself to Wind while wearing the ring as an accessory.
Reward: Blessed Ring (Accessory)
9) The Statue's Tear
Find the "Statue's Tear" buried under the rubble and bring it here.
Requirements: Head to Nation of Fools’ bottom leftmost corner of the map. Just stand in front of the statue and press the “Up button” to get the Statue‘s Tear.
Reward: Holy Water (Subweapon Skill)
10) The Martial Art
Jonathan, let's see you enter this command: (Up, Back, Down, Forward + Y button).
Requirements: It’s a Jonathan exclusive skill. Just press Up, Back, Down, Forward + Y button.
Reward: Martial Art (Relic)
11) Holy Appearance
Charlotte, I'll teach you a healing spell. Come back wearing three nun items.
Requirements: You need to equip Charlotte with the Nun’s Habit, Nun’s Robe and Nun’s Shoes in the presence of Wind.
The location of each item is as follows:
Nun's Habit - found at the Main Castle, from the Sandy Grave portrait head left to the next room. Then go to the upper left exit of the room. The Nun’s Habit is located on the bottom leftmost of that huge room.
Nun's Robes - found at the Main Castle, from the Nations of Fools portrait head right. In the next huge room there’s a breakable ceiling just near were you came out (top left ceiling). Break it by either using subweapons like axe, Bible or hitting it with weapons that can deal damage upward like hammers and great swords. On the top of that hidden room is where the Nun’s Robe is located.
Nun's Shoes - from the City of Haze rightmost Warp Room, go down to the next room and then exit to the left. On the top leftmost corner of that huge room is a breakable ceiling. Destroy the ceiling to enter the hidden room, where the Nun Shoes is located.
Reward: Heal (Spell)
12) Number of Fortune
I'll teach you a lucky spell. Come back when the last 3 digits of your money are 777.
Requirements: Talk to Wind when your gold is exactly 777. You can do this easily by buying and selling items from your inventory. Also, you can try breaking candlesticks which drops random amount of money.
To check your current amount of money, go to “Main Menu” and check the “Gold” section.
Reward: LCK Boost (Spell)
13) Mental Training 1
Go reduce your MP, then come back.
Requirements: Use up “all” your MP before talking to Wind. The best way to accomplish this quest is by equipping the Skull Ring which curses the user and depletes rapidly the MP. Using the duo’s Dual Crush moves is one of the fastest way too, since it requires high MP consumption. Another trick is by using Jonathan’s sub weapon skills or Charlotte’s spells continuously.
Reward: Maximum MP Increased
14) Mental Training 2
Go find the "Thick Glasses". That should make you look a little smarter.
Requirements: From the City of Haze’s rightmost Warp Room, head right and up. Then pass through 3 rooms and you’ll be at a huge room which has an exit on the top left corner. Enter that exit above and you’ll find in the next room a wall that divides the place. The wall has a narrow passage that can only be accessed by morphing into a frog or owl.
Reward: Maximum MP Increased
15) The Spear of Legend
Become a master of the "Javelin". I will then bequeath you my spear.
Requirements: First, you must have the Javelin sub weapon skill dropped by Armor Knight. Then, master the Javelin sub weapon skill by constantly using it on battles. For every enemy encountered, you just need to hit it with Javelin at least once in order to get the SP experience. The higher the experience points that an enemy can give after a fight, the higher the SP you’ll receive. In short, the tougher the enemies the better.
For a faster SP acquisition equip the Master Ring. It amplifies the amount of SP received for every enemy killed. To check the current SP acquired of your Javelin, check the “Skills Menu” from the “Guides Menu”.
Reward: Alucard's Spear (Weapon)
16) Mental Training 3
Go raise your INT to at least 100, then come back.
Requirements: Charlotte is undoubtedly the best character to use on this quest, since she has a higher base INT than Jonathan. All you need to do is to equip her with armor, shoes and accessories that boost her INT. Then use the “Boost INT” skill, which if fully cast can add +30 to INT.
Reward: Maximum MP Increased
17) Nest of Evil
When 888% of the map is filled, the path to the "Nest of Evil" will open at the castle gates.
Requirements: This quest requires more rooms than what you have explored. Some rooms are hidden and can be accessed by breaking the walls, ceilings and floors. Others are hard to reach like high areas and narrow passages which can be accessed by morphing into an owl or frog. Be sure to enter this areas so your map rate can at least reach 888% to complete the quest.
To check the rate of rooms you entered so far, just go to the “Main Menu” and check the “Rate” section (in between the Time and EXP section).
Reward: Access to Nest of Evil
18) Defeat the Ghoul King
Go and defeat the "Ghoul King."
Requirements: Just below the left Warp Room of 13th Street is a room full of Ghouls. Defeat all the ghouls and do not leave the room until the last one of them is destroyed. The Ghoul King will be the last of these ghouls which has a distinct color (has bluish aura) than the normal ones and has higher HP. Kill it to complete the quest.
Reward: Immunity Ring (Accessory)
19) Abandon Greed
You lack desperation. Come back when you have no money.
Requirements: Just spend all your money until it’s empty. The best way to spend your gold and not wasting it is by buying weapons that you have to sell afterwards, just after completion of the quest. With this strategy you can retain the most of what you have lost.
Reward: Miser Ring (Accessory)
20) A Rank Hunter
Defeat a total of 1500 enemies. As a reward, I'll give you a new weapon.
Requirements: Just kill enemies until you reached a total of 1500. Try to kill low HP and low level enemies that usually come in groups like zombies, skeletons and bats.
To check the number of enemies you have defeated so far, open the “Main Menu” and check the “Total Kills” section.
Reward: Royal Sword (Weapon)
21) Mental Training 4
Go raise your MND to at least 100, then come back.
Requirements: Charlotte is the best character to use on this quest, since she has a higher base MND than Jonathan. All you need to do is to equip her with armor, shoes and accessories that boost her MND. Then use the “Boost MND” skill, which if fully cast can add +30 to MND.
Reward: Maximum MP Increased
22) S Rank Hunter
Defeat a total of 3000 enemies.
Requirements: Just kill enemies until you reached a total of 3000. Try to kill low HP and low level enemies that usually come in groups like zombies, skeletons and bats.
To check the number of enemies you have defeated so far, open the “Main Menu” and check the “Total Kills” section.
Reward: Undead Killer (Weapon)
23) The Gambler
Collect five cards.
Requirements: All of these cards can only be obtained from monster drops. Here are the list of cards, monsters and their locations:
Heart Card - Nyx, found in 13th Street.
Diamond Card - Coppelia, found in Nation of Fools.
Club Card - Treant, found in Forest of Doom.
Spade Card - Yorick, found in Forgotten City.
Joker Card - Killer Clown, found in Nation of Fools.
Reward: Gambler Glasses (Head Gear)
24) Hands of the Clock
Come to me when the short hand of the great clock points 12.
Requirements: Talk to Wind when the short hand of the clock in the tower where you fought Death for the first time points to 12.
Another method and undoubtedly the easiest way to do this is to adjust your DS time to 12. It follows the DS time, so you can defy the gameplay requirements by doing so.
Reward: Time Stop (Spell)
25) Poison vs. Poison
If you want a poison sword, bring me "Moldy Bread", "Amanita" and a "Long Sword”.
Requirements: Find the Moldy Bread, Amanita and Long Sword. Here are the locations of each items:
Moldy Bread - from the first Warp Room of Forest of Doom, head 4 rooms to the right. Then exit to the top left of a bigger room and another left to the next room. Then you’ll end up to a big room with three exits. Head to the middle right exit and you’ll find the Moldy Bread on the rightmost corner of that room.
Amanita - drop by Moldy Corpse monster of Forest of Doom.
Long Sword - from the second Warp Room of City of Haze, go up twice. Then head left twice and you’ll end up in a huge room. The Long Sword is located just on the top right corner of that room.
Reward: Assassin Blade (Weapon)
26) Build Your Strength 1
You should be able to find a "Beehive" somewhere. It should help you build your strength.
Requirements: There’s a lot of Beehives in Forest of Doom. You must get a Beehive “item drop” out of these Beehive creatures.
Reward: Maximum HP Increased
27) Build Your Strength 2
You can't fight on an empty stomach. Go find the "New York Steak" and bring it here.
Requirements: From the farthest left Save Room in Dark Academy, head right. In the next room there are 4 platforms above, the third platform from the bottom is breakable. Hit it with your weapon at least thrice to get the New York Steak.
Another method is to kill Gorgons found in Burnt Paradise. With high LCK, they’ll most likely drop a New York Steak.
Reward: Maximum HP Increased
28) The Lonely Stage
There's a ghost that hopes to hear a performance in a classroom in the underworld. Grant his wish.
Requirements: Head left from the second Save Room of Dark Academy, which is located in the middle of the map. In the huge room, exit to the middle right and enter another three rooms. You’ll end up in a Piano Room with no visible enemy, just stand there and wait for a while. Do not leave until the ghost will show up and play the piano.
Reward: Record Player (Item)
29) Build Your Strength 3
You can't fight on an empty stomach. Go and find five different kinds of cakes.
Requirements: At least 5 cakes are needed for this quest. There are 4 types of cakes found in the City of Haze’s hidden Bakery. From the first Save Room, go up thrice and exit left. At the right bottom of the huge room is a breakable floor. Break it with Lizard Tail (Down + B) or hit it with weapon. Enter the hidden room and break the bottom right wall for another hidden room. You’ll end up in the Bakery.
There are cakes available in the Bakery and you can obtained them easily. First, hit the cash register box to open. Then hit the chandelier above for money to come out and dropped to the cash register. Depending on the amount of money dropped from the register is the type of cake you will receive. Do this again by going back and forth of the room and repeating the same process, until you have all type of cakes in your inventory.
In 13th Street there are more cakes found in another hidden room. From the first Save Room, head right and go up twice. Then pass through two rooms, head up and enter another two rooms. In the last room you entered, there’s a breakable floor at the bottom right. Break it and enter the hidden room and exit to the right where the Bakery is. There are cakes on the right corner of that room but the place is swarming with enemies.
Reward: Maximum HP Increased
30) Pray Before the Cross
Pray before the cross in the church under the cover of darkness.
Requirements: The Cross is located in 13th Street. From the leftmost Warp Room of the map, head up and pass through 4 rooms. In the last room you’ve entered, go down to the bottom exit. The Cross is found on the right corner of the room. Just press the “Up” button to pray.
Reward: Cross subweapon skill
31) Build Your Strength 4
You must always be able to fight to your full potential. Go raise your CON to at least 100.
Requirements: This quest works better for Jonathan, since he has a higher CON stat than Charlotte. Equip him with head gear, armor, leggings and accessories that boost his CON. Then let Charlotte cast fully the “Boost CON” spell on him to add +30 CON. Do this in front of Wind and then talk to the guy.
Reward: Maximum HP Increased
32) Lost Page
Bring me "Tome of Arms p1" and "Tome of Arms p2". They're missing from my Tome of Arms.
Requirements: Both Tome of Arms P1 and Tome of Arms P2 are found respectively in the level 3 and level 6 of Nest of Evil.
Reward: Tome of Arms X.
33) The Hundred Tasks
Defeat 100 different kinds of enemies.
Requirements: Just kill a total of 100 different kinds of enemies. Bosses will also be counted together with minions.
Reward: Sage Ring accessory
34) Master the Holy Power
Master these three moves of holy power: "Cross", "Holy Water" and Bible.
Requirements: First, you must have the Cross, Holy Water and Bible sub weapons. Then, master these sub weapon skills by constantly using them on battles. For every enemy encountered, you just need to hit it with sub weapon at least once, in order to get the SP experience. The higher the experience points that an enemy can give after a fight, the higher the SP you’ll receive. In short, the tougher the enemies the better.
For a faster SP acquisition equip the Master Ring. It amplifies the amount of SP received for every enemy killed. To check the current SP acquired of your Cross, Holy Water and Bible check the “Skills Menu” from the “Guides Menu”.
Reward: Grand Cruz (Dual Crush)
35) Almighty
Jonathan, the time has come for you to learn all of the vampire hunter's skills.
Requirements: Just collect all of Jonathan’s sub weapon skills and use each of them at least once. You don’t need to master them though.
Reward: Stellar Sword weapon
36) The Great Sage
Charlotte, the time has come for you to learn all of the great sage's spells.
Requirements: Just collect all of Charlotte’s spell.
Reward: Sorceress Crest (Accessory)
37) Kill Gergoth
Charlotte, use the Blank Book to put Gergoth out of his misery.
Requirements: The Blank Book is available from Vincent’s shop. Buy the book and head to the second level of Nest of Evil. Gergoth is the boss of that dungeon, kill him using the Blank Book equipped by Charlotte. All you need to do is for Charlotte to deliver the “final blow”.
Reward: Cocytus (Spell)
Completing the whole Wind’s Quest unlocks the Magus Ring which can be found in the middle of the room just before Wind’s place.
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