Castlevania Symphony of the Night
101) Balloon Pod
Holds countless poison seeds.
Level: 29
Hit Points: 3
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 88
Location: Reverse Cavern, Anti-Chapel
102) Yorick
Skeleton eternally chasing his own skull.
Level: 29
Hit Points: 10
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Monster Vial 3, Skull Shield
Experience: 300
Location: Reverse Keep
103) Bomb Knight
Bomb-tossing armored knight.
Level: 30
Hit Points: 46
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: TNT, Dynamite
Experience: 140
Location: Reverse Clock Tower
104) Flying Zombie
Zombies which attack even when cut in half.
Level: 32
Hit Points: 190
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy, Fire
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Shuriken, Frankfurter
Experience: 50
Location: Dark Wing’s Lair
105) Bitterfly
Mutated Insect. Visible only to magicians.
Level: 33
Hit Points: 4
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Luck Potion, Mystic Pendant
Experience: 120
Location: Necromancy Laboratory
106) Jack O'Bones
Expert at throwing weapons.
Level: 33
Hit Points: 20
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Shuriken, Flame Star
Experience: 150
Location: Reverse Entrance, Reverse Cavern, Black Marble Gallery, Reverse Outer Wall,
107) Archer
Fiendishly accurate archer.
Level: 34
Hit Points: 300
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Heart Refresh, Vorpal Blade
Experience: 140
Location: Anti-Chapel
108) Werewolf
Half-man, half-wolf.
Level: 34
Hit Points: 280
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Iron Fist, Yasutsuna
Experience: 200
Location: Reverse Colosseum
109) Black Panther
Liquid creature. Takes black panther shape.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 35
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Fire
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Meal Ticket, Masamune
Experience: 600
Location: Anti-Chapel
110) Darkwing Bat
Giant vampire bat.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 600
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 1200
Location: Reverse Clock Tower
111) Dragon Rider
White dragon ridden by Flea Man.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 120
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 150
Location: Reverse Entrance
112) Minotaur
Half-man, half-bull.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 320
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Sirloin, Fury Plate
Experience: 250
Location: Colosseum
113) Nova Skeleton
Wields fearsome beam weapon.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 20
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Monster Vial 3, Terminus Est
Experience: 444
Location: Reverse Entrance, Reverse Cavern, Reverse Outer Wall, Black Marble Gallery
114) Orobourous
Wyrm controlled by Flea Man.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 200
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Karma Coin, Lapis Lazuli
Experience: 150
Location: Reverse Entrance
115) White Dragon
Animated skeleton of huge dragon.
Level: 35
Hit Points: 260
Strong Versus: Fire
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 150
Location: Reverse Colosseum
116) Fire Warg
Fireball-spitting wolf.
Level: 36
Hit Points: 200
Strong Versus: None
Immune: Fire
Weak Versus: Ice
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Turquoise, Karma Coin
Experience: 160
Location: Reverse Entrance
117) Rock Knight
Rock-tossing armored knight.
Level: 36
Hit Points: 160
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Jewel Knuckles, Platinum Mail
Experience: 250
Location: Reverse Cavern
118) Sniper of Goth
Angel archer. Slew Amalaric of the Goths.
Level: 36
Hit Points: 50
Strong Versus: Holy
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Dark
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Magic Missile, Brilliant Mail
Experience: 200
Location: Royal Chapel, Anti-Chapel
119) Spectral Sword
Evil demon-sword. Causes poltergeist phenomena.
Level: 36
Hit Points: 540
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Gurthang, Mablung Sword
Experience: 400
Location: Anti-Chapel
120) Ghost Dancer
Skeleton with leaping attack.
Level: 37
Hit Points: 30
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Buffalo Star, Stone Mask
Experience: 160
Location: Death Wing’s Lair
121) Warg Rider
Skeleton mounted on Warg.
Level: 37
Hit Points: 120
Strong Versus: Cut
Immune: Fire
Weak Versus: Ice
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 160
Location: Reverse Entrance
122) Cave Troll
Pre-intelligent bloodsucker with long tongue for sucking.
Level: 38
Hit Points: 88
Strong Versus: Water
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Fire
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Neutron Bomb, Nauglamir
Experience: 333
Location: Reverse Caverns
123) Dark Octopus
Evil mutated octopus.
Level: 38
Hit Points: 280
Strong Versus: Water
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Fire, Thunder
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Sushi, Green Tea
Experience: 120
Location: Reverse Cavern
124) Fire Demon
Flame demon.
Level: 38
Hit Points: 320
Strong Versus: None
Immune: Fire
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Fire Shield, Marsil Sword
Experience: 666
Location: Necromancy Laboratory
125) Gorgon
Armor plated war-beast.
Level: 38
Hit Points: 240
Strong Versus: Fire, Stone, Cut, Hit
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Hammer, Stone Sword
Experience: 555
Location: Black Marble Gallery
126) Malachi
Gruesome demon from Hell.
Level: 39
Hit Points: 450
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy
Absorb: Dark
Drop Items: Dark Shield, Dark Armor
Experience: 666
Location: Death Wing’s Lair
127) Akmodan II
Ancient Egyptian mummy.
Level: 40
Hit Points: 1200
Strong Versus: None
Immune: Stone, Poison, Curse
Weak Versus: Holy, Fire
Absorb: Dark
Drop Items: None
Experience: 2500
Location: Death Wing’s Lair
128) Blue Venus Weed
Advanced Venus Weed. Fed with demon blood.
Level: 40
Hit Points: 100
Strong Versus: Hit
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Fire
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Zwei Hander, Heart Refresh
Experience: 1000
Location: Reverse Entrance, Reverse Cavern
129) Doppleganger40
Shape-shifting demon.
Level: 40
Hit Points: 777
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 2001
Location: Reverse Cavern
130) Medusa
Snake-headed demoness with gaze of stone.
Level: 40
Hit Points: 1100
Strong Versus: Hit
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: Stone
Drop Items: None
Experience: 2500
Location: Anti-Chapel
131) The Creature
Made from the body parts of powerful warriors.
Level: 40
Hit Points: 1100
Strong Versus: None
Immune: Thunder
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 2500
Location: Reverse Outer Wall
132) Fake Grant
Zombie impersonating Grant.
Level: 41
Hit Points: 800
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 1200
Location: Reverse Colosseum
133) Fake Trevor
Zombie impersonating Trevor.
Level: 41
Hit Points: 1200
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 1000
Location: Reverse Colosseum
134) Imp
Mischievous little demon.
Level: 41
Hit Points: 43
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Luck Potion, King's Stone
Experience: 66
Location: Anti-Chapel, Reverse Cavern, Necromancy Laboratory
135) Fake Sypha
Zombie impersonating Sypha.
Level: 42
Hit Points: 1000
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 1500
Location: Reverse Colosseum
136) Beezelbub
Beezelbub, Lord of Flies.
Level: 44
Hit Points: 2000
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy
Absorb: Dark
Drop Items: None
Experience: 4444
Location: Necromancy Laboratory
137) Azaghal
Executioner of Hell.
Level: 45
Hit Points: 330
Strong Versus: Dark, Hit
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Covenant Stone, Mourne Blade
Experience: 700
Location: Death Wing’s Lair, Reverse Colosseum
138) Frozen Half
New-half ice spirit. Servant of Galamoth.
Level: 45
Hit Points: 118
Strong Versus: Water
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Fire
Absorb: Ice
Drop Items: Necklace of J, Opal Circlet
Experience: 600
Location: Floating Catacombs
139) Salome
Young female witch.
Level: 45
Hit Points: 210
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Wizard Hat, Manna Prism
Experience: 450
Location: Floating Catacombs
140) Richter Belmont
Master vampire hunter.
Level: 48
Hit Points: 400
Strong Versus: None
Immune: Holy, Stone
Weak Versus: Dark
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: None
Location: Castle Keep
141) Dodo Bird
Rare bird. Runs when sees people.
Level: 49
Hit Points: 2
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: Heart Broach, Runesword
Experience: 111
Location: Reverse Entrance
142) Galamoth
Magical being with plan to rule the netherworld.
Level: 50
Hit Points: 5000
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: 9999
Location: Floating Catacombs
143) Guardian
High level Armor Lord.
Level: 60
Hit Points: 500
Strong Versus: Cut
Immune: Fire, Thunder, Ice
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: Dark
Drop Items: Great Sword, God's Garb
Experience: 1500
Location: Black Marble Gallery
144) Death
Dracula's close friend.
Level: 66
Hit Points: 888
Strong Versus: None
Immune: None
Weak Versus: Holy
Absorb: Dark
Drop Items: None
Experience: 4444
Location: Cave
145) Shaft
Dark Priest of Dracula.
Level: 88
Hit Points: 1300
Strong Versus: None
Immune: Poison
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: None
Drop Items: None
Experience: None
Location: Black Marble Gallery
146) Dracula
Lord of Wallachia. Father of Alucard.
Level: 98
Hit Points: 9999
Strong Versus: Fire, Thunder
Immune: Poison
Weak Versus: None
Absorb: Dark
Drop Items: None
Experience: None
Location: Black Marble Gallery
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