Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
I - Allies
1) Wylfred
"In my father's name..."
"To battle!"
"My patience is not to be tested!"
"You think yourself worthy?"
"My soul is beyond salvation."
"Ailyth! I shall cast you into oblivion myself!"
Critical Hits:
"I have you!"
Counter Attack:
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Suffer my pain! Finishing Strike! Grim Vengeance!"
"How does it feel?"
"Curse you!"
"The battle is won!"
"For you... father."
"A fitting death for a pitiful wretch!"
"How pathetic, another life spent for nothing."
"It cannot end like this…"
Invoke Plume:
"Feather o'er the battle field, unto me thy power yield!"
2) Ancel
"Guard my back, Wyl!"
"Nothing like battle to start the blood flowing."
"Leave this one to me!"
Critical Hit:
"All mine!"
Counter Attack:
"Saw that coming!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Time to meet your maker! Finishing Strike. Sonic Burst!"
"Did you expect any less?"
"Not quite what I had in mind."
"Look like we Wyl's come a long way!"
"All these fightings work up an appetite!"
"I could go for more of that!"
"I... I'm not ready to die..."
Invoke Plume:
"Power... I can feel it."
3) Cheripha
"Let's get this over with."
"Let the games begin."
"Don't make this difficult."
Critical Hit:
"Dead in my sight!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Once an assassin, always an assassin. Finishing Strike. Beaming Barrage!"
"There goes another one."
"You're not supposed to live."
"What did you expect?"
"That's the end of that."
"Not bad if I do say so myself."
"It's not supposed to end like this..."
Invoke Plume :
"Something is happening to me!?"
4) Lockswell
"To see an assassin is to see your life's end."
"Do not strain yourself Cheripha."
"Too many horrors have I seen to look away now."
Critical Hit:
"Right where I want you!"
"Be no more!"
Item or Tactic:
"I never missed."
Soul Crush:
"Let it be decided here and now."
"I'm not what I once was."
"I never missed."
"I long for the peace of the shadows."
"Always the reek of blood."
"Cheripha, you are all that matters to me."
"Cheripha, forgive me."
Invoke Plume:
"What is this power?"
5) Darius
"Know thy enemy and never question it."
"Stand ready to engage."
"All I'm able to do, I shall.'
Critical Hit:
"Your time is come!"
Counter Attack:
"An open invitation!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
“With what life I have left. Finishing Strike! Icy Grave!”
"Savor... eternal slumber."
"Do you not long for death's serenity?"
"I live only to make amends."
"I live to see another dark day."
"Any casualties?"
"At last, an end to suffering…"
Invoke Plume:
"What is it I feel?"
6) Gwendal
"All I see belongs to me!"
"I have may plunder or take your life."
"Hmm… Nothing like the smell of fear."
"This ought to teach ya!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"I got something for you. Finishing Strike! Reign of Terror!"
"Hahahahaha! How's that strike ya!"
"Come on! I deserved something for that!"
"I could do with a swig after that!"
"How long am I to babysit this wretch?"
"You won't need treasure where you're going."
"I suppose I had this coming…"
Invoke Plume:
"What's happening to me?"
7) Earnest
"Fear is the true test of courage."
"All swords fall shy of my lance."
"To arms! We advance!"
"Have at you!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Repent for judgment is nigh! Finishing strike! Righteous Rush!"
"Justice has spoken."
"A merciful verdict."
"My path is mine to choose!"
"I answer only to my conscience!"
"If only Darius fought alongside us."
"When a knight falls, his legend is born."
Invoke Plume:
"The rage of the wronged flows through my veins!"
8) Natalia
"My, you certainly look the part."
"Might I have this dance?"
"I won't be gentle!"
"See how you handle this!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Know the fury of a woman scorned! Finishing strike! Catastrophic Rain!"
"There is no escape."
"I won't fail again."
"Over already? You disappoint me."
"It's hard work making it look this easy."
"Wherever you are, you are still in my heart, children…"
"Forgive your mother, children…"
Invoke Plume:
"I don't know my own strength anymore!"
9) Mireille
"So many to kill. So little time."
"Hmm… What shall I do to this one?"
"Watch me!"
Critical Hit:
"I hate you!"
Counter Attack:
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Why don't you go away?! Special Attack! Heartless Flame!"
"And don't come back!"
"No! I didn't miss! I never miss!"
"Finished already!? I just gotten started!"
"I'm bored… Brother, amuse me!"
"Hmm, what did that woman mean by mother?"
"Brother... where are you?"
Invoke Plume:
"Huh? Hehehe! I don't know what's come over me!"
10) Mischka
"Why are they all so eager to die?"
"Hehe! This should be fun!"
Critical Hit:
"Here I come!"
Counter Attack:
"Haha! Stupid!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"'You're only in the way! Special Attack! Ruthless Frost!!"
"Did I make you cry?"
"No fair! You're still breathing!"
"Let's do that again!"
"This one's finished. Where's the next?"
"Nobody messes with my sister!"
"Sister help me… I'm scared..."
Invoke Plume:
"Hahahaha! This never happened before!"
11) Heugoe
“Let's keep our heads above us."
"Discipline is the key."
"Is it death you seek?"
Critical Hit:
"Say your prayers!"
Counter Attack:
"You're open!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"If death you seek then death you'll have! Finishing Strike! Grand Thrust!"
"Your suffering is at an end."
"If pain you want, then more you'll have!"
"War will empty the soul of men."
"Today was not my day to die."
"A moment of pain, for an eternity of rest..."
"Death does not come easily…"
Invoke Plume:
"This power... Is it mine to wield?"
12) Duwain
"Must be brave, must be brave!"
"Remember, the enemy is equally afraid."
"I serve the Saintess above all else!"
Critical Hit:
"I have you!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"This might do it. Finishing Strike! Land's Lament!"
"It actually worked!"
"I have a feeling it would failed."
"Praise the heaven we're saved."
"I often forget what I'm capable of."
"Let no harm come to the Saintess."
"Lady… Rosea…"
Invoke Plume:
"This power, but how?"
13) Rosea
"Life alone is victory enough."
"Leave the wounded to my tending."
"Gods, forgive our trespasses."
Critical Hit:
"Gods have mercy!"
Item or Tactic:
"Rest your soul!"
Soul Crush:
"At the very least I can grant you a quick death!"
"May you rest in peace."
"The Gods take mercy on your soul…"
"I lament I could not bring you peace."
"Is it naive to dream of a world without war?"
"Another sin for which I must repent."
"May thy find peace in the keeping of the gods."
"Let there be peace..."
Invoke Plume:
"A Divine Presence? Is this a blessing?"
14) Lieselotte
"What will you do for me if we win?"
"Let me show you what I can do."
"Do I have your heart broken?"
Critical Hit:
"Won't be seeing you again!"
Item or Tactic:
"Take this!"
Soul Crush:
"Let me give you a proper farewell."
"Wasn't that the best you ever have?"
"You could at least pretend to die!?"
"I think I managed to work up a sweat."
"Was it good for you?"
"I've seen worse, but not much."
"How could it all end this way?"
Invoke Plume:
"I've never felt this way before!"
15) Ushio
"Never met a foe I couldn't cut!"
"You cross my path! I'll take you down!"
"My mind is made up! You must die!
Critical Hit:
"You're mine!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Your fate rests on the edge of my blade! Finishing Strike! Giant Slayer!!"
"Now you join the ranks of the fallen."
"Hah! You only making it harder on yourself!"
"Victory is sweet!"
"Hah! Who else wants some?!"
"Your luck ended when you met me."
"Why can't… I move…?"
Being Plumed:
"Aaarrhhh... My rage! I cannot hold it in any longer"
16) Valmur
"Perhaps war is the only answer."
"Only the willing need grace the field of battle."
"I hold fast the string of victory!"
Critical Hit:
"I see it!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"By the honor of House Haughn! Finishing strike! Divine Arrow!
"’Tis the least I could do."
"My failure brings shame upon me."
"Pity they for whom no knell shall ring."
"In deepest reverence we hold the fallen."
"Is it ended at last?"
"House Haughn wished too great for me."
Invoke Plume:
"This power is not mine."
17) Phiona
"I shall wash my steel in your blood!"
"Tell your gods it was I, Phiona, who sent you to them!"
Critical Hit:
"I shall grant you a swift death!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Fall as the petals of the rose! Finishing Strike! Crimson Grace!!"
"Now you are verily fallen from grace."
"Do not mistake my grace for mercy!"
"Exult! You fall before the blade of House Haughn!"
"Savor the beauty amid the battlefield's gore."
"You bring glory to our House, brother."
"Nicolas… I come to you..."
Being Plumed:
"This power shall turn the battle in our favor!"
18) Reinhilde
"My name is Reinhilde. Do not forget!"
"I'll teach you to cross a woman of House Haughn!"
"They all too familiar scent of battle. I did not miss it!"
Critical Hit:
"Off with your head!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Your next step shall be your last! Finishing Strike! Danse Macabre!"
"Eeyahahaha! I forget my own strength sometimes."
"You did well to survive. I congratulate you."
"Behind every great house, there lies a greater woman."
"My hunger for battle remains."
"Ten of you would not suffice to match me!"
"My years have gotten the better of me…"
Invoke Plume:
"Long has it been since such power graced these old bones!"
19) Auguste
"Witness a lifetime of mastery in a moment of destruction!"
"All bones are brittle before my fists!"
"If it is pain you seek I shall show you it."
Critical Hit:
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"The hand is the extension of the limitless mind! Ultimate Strike! Hundred Hands!"
"Haha! You were not ready."
"You are stronger than you look."
"Mind and body are the weapons a man forges himself."
"Haha! I suppose a man of my years ought to show more mercy."
"That's one more foe I have outlived."
"So far have I come... and yet…"
Invoke Plume:
"Aarrgh! Power courses through my body! This flesh shall bind me no longer!"
20) Fauxnel
"There's a burden on your shoulders... Your head."
"I offer you a choice. Surrender or die!"
"How unsightly!? I can look no more!"
Critical Hit:
"I shall set your spirit free!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Please accept this humble offering."
"You were truly deserving of it."
"Ah… I… I fear you overstay your welcome!"
"No apology necessary. Your death shall suffice."
"I find that death civilizes barbarians best."
"How dreadful war's horrors. My shoes will never be the same."
"This was most certainly not in my plans."
Invoke Plume:
"Even I am somewhat impressed by this power."
II - Seraphic Gate Allies
21) Kristoff
"On my name, we shall arise victorious!"
"Where peace's failed. War must prevail!"
"Let no blood be shed in vain."
Critical Hit:
"No quarter!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Hallowed be the legacy of the crown. Finishing Strike! Noble Crusade!"
"Find peace in death."
"Perhaps the time has not yet come."
"Water cannot wash this hand of sin."
"I know not why men hunger for the suffering of war."
"Once peace's lost. All of the victory seem hollowed."
22) Langrey
"He who denied what tomorrow brings will not live to see it!"
"Ye who will not kneel… shall fall."
"I do not suffer fool gladly."
Critical Hit:
"To your knees!"
"Back whence you came!"
Item or Tactic:
"To your knees!"
Soul Crush:
"Revere the royal hand that strikes you down!"
"You are a footnote in my glorious history."
"Soon, you will beg me for death!"
"The future of Artolia rests squarely on my shoulders."
"Let no man stands in the way of destiny."
"Pity when worthy warriors laid to waste."
"My will is final…"
23) Roienbourg
"I pledge my heart anew, for Artolia!"
"By my hands shall wrongs be righted!"
"When a man's bones wane, his wit shall wax!"
Critical Hit:
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"'Till naught but ashes remain! Finishing Strike! Ferocious Fangs!!"
"Look death in the eye, as I have!"
"My body begins to fail me..."
"We live to fight again."
"May flowers someday grow, where this body lays."
"Let no death happen in vain."
"Was the cause... already lost?!"
24) Ailyth
"I hope you like what I prepared."
"Shall we begin, then?"
"Allow me to amuse you."
Garm Intro:
"Now my time to sink my teeth into your soul."
"Come, dark servant! Your master calls!"
Critical Hit:
"Allow me."
Item or Tactic:
"Pardon me."
Soul Crush:
"Permit me this small indulgence."
"I shall await you in the underworld."
"It was to be your parting gift, but alas..."
"Master Wylfred you are tired. Allow me to serve you."
"Isn't easy giving up your appearances."
"I savor our time together."
"Please be gentle."
"Clean up after yourself!"
25) Lenneth
"By the holy laws, you shall be obliterated!"
"Your sin lay heavy upon you, defiler of souls!"
"Weak souls succumb much quickly to evil."
Critical Hit:
Counter Attack:
"Have you no better?!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine Assault! Nibelung Valesti!"
"Return whence you came!"
"You still breathe?"
"Let live what must live. Die what must die!"
"Kindred are the heart of gods and men."
"No struggles without meaning."
"No, not here…"
26) Hrist
"When will you mortals learn your place!"
"Where is my leading role!?!"
Critical Hit:
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"It shall be engraved upon your very soul! Divine Assault! Nibelung Valesti!"
"No sinner is above reprisal!"
"You prolong the inevitable!"
"It is divine retribution."
"That hardly was into my attention."
"You haven't seen the last of me…!"
27) Arngrim
"Fight this battle like it's your last."
"The harder they come, the harder they fall!"
Critical Hit:
"Eat steel!"
Counter Attack:
"Not so fast!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"I grow tired of you! Finishing Strike! Final Blast!"
"And stay out of my sight!"
"You're a glutton for punishment!"
"I'm hunger for more!"
"Better luck next time."
"I just need to rest my eyes..."
28) Freya
"Your defiance is bold, but futile!"
"What a miserable creature!"
"I shall wipe you from creation!"
Critical Hit:
"Your fate is sealed!"
Counter Attack:
"You dare defy a goddess?!"
Item or Tactic:
Soul Crush:
"Prepare to be purified! Divine Assault! Ether Strike!"
"You fall to a power you cannot comprehend."
"And yet you still stain this realm!"
"Surely, you knew your end was come."
"Does your fate at all surprise you?"
"I hope you're pleased with yourself."
"No... this is not my destiny…"
III - Sorcerer’s Soul Crush
29) Fire Storm
"I invoke the rites of fiery Muspellheim and give my soul up to the
inferno's embrace. Ifrit Caress!"
30) Frigid Damsel
"Awaken the ancient Eden's song that speaks of empty skies. Now harken thee,
the pitiless voice of the ocean's lord! Tidal Wave!"
31) Poison Blow
"In the abyss, the trident of Hel dances. Dripping crimson truth lights the
one true path. Maleficent Harm!"
Lightning Bolt
"Hark, lightning that rides within the ashen depths. Descend down as
a storm upon my foes. Gravity Blessing!"
32) Sacred Javelin
"Harken the angel's summon. The true path shall guide you, find peace in
annihilation. Phantom Destruction!"
33) Dark Savior
"No mercy for the damned. Thou hast no escape from the grasp of catastrophe.
Meteor Swarm!"
IV - Aesir Deities
34) Vidar
"Your kind are not welcome here.”
Soul Crush:
"Make your peace! Divine Assault! Storming Wind!"
"Be grateful your eyes beheld the glory."
"You dare defy me?!"
"I can only wonder what awaits ye hence..."
35) Ull
"You think you can turn against the gods and live?!"
Soul Crush:
"Say goodbye! Divine Assault! Desperate Horror!"
"Dead on!"
"Why do you persist?"
"Defeated by mortals..."
36) Thor
"Hear the thunder of the heavens!"
Soul Crush:
"Open the sky and let pain rain down! Divine Assault! Hammer of Thor!"
"The gods will it so!"
"You incur my anger!"
"You will find no peace in the path ahead…"
37) Tyr
Start Battle:
"What fool dares challenge the god of war?"
Soul Crush:
"Ever shall I stand triumphant! Divine Assault! Glorious Conquest!"
"Your hopes dwindle to naught!"
"I am remiss!"
"I never dreamt it would come to this..."
38) Eir
"Will violence cure what ails your soul?"
Soul Crush:
"The gods grant you mercy. A merciful death!”
"Reflect once more on your evil deeds."
"How could you have survived?!"
"Farewell, sad warriors…”
V - Special Characters
39) Thyodor
"It begins."
"Glory be to lady Valkyrie!"
"What the gods' will, my blade will fulfill!"
Soul Crush:
"By this sword I do thee cleanse! Finishing Strike! Celestial Inferno!!"
"Relinquish your soul to the holy cleanse."
"My work is not yet done."
"Forgive me... beloved."
40) Gabriel Celeste
"You truly believe your weapons will save you?!"
"If only you knew this competitive which you wallow."
Soul Crush:
"I'll wash this stain from the path of the being.”
"You will defile this realm no longer."
"Persistent maggots!"
"No… No! This defies all reason!"
41) Ethereal Queen
"I will show you horror beyond your imagination."
"Crowd fools. Death shall teach you to fear me."
Critical Hit:
"To the abyss!"
Soul Crush:
"Let us put an end to this threat.”
"You bored me mortal."
"Oh, Are you still here?"
"My passing is ephemeral… my power eternal…"
"You wield great power... or does it wield you?"
VI - Aesir Einherjars
42) Aesir Swordsman
Critical Hit:
"No escape!"
"The Aesir shall reign eternal… Aarrhhh!"
"How could..."
43) Aesir Warrior
"Glory to the Aesir!"
44) Aesir Archer
Critical Hit:
"Aim through!"
"This is no death for a god!"
"I'll save all the Aesir."
"The veil grows dark."
45) Aesir Brigand
Critical Hit:
"You won't like this!"
"Why me?"
46) Aesir Lancer
"For it to end like this!"
47) Aesir Sorcerer
Critical Hit:
"It ends here!"
"So this is the end…"
"May the Aesir prospers eternal."
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